As we enter the financial year 2023-2024, You have to start declaring your investment in the portal.
HRStop allows you to manage investment declarations. you can fill in the investment declaration in the portal and submit it. In order to avoid/reduce TDS deduction, you can make investments in different tax saving schemes.
Refer to the following steps to declare an investment in the portal:
- Navigate to Main Panel -> Compensation -> Investment declaration.
- The newly opened page shows different fields to add investments.
- Fill in the details and click on Save option. Once the Save option is selected the details filled in gets saved and changes can be made as and when required. This allows you to save the investment as a draft so that you can come back and resume the work.
- Now click on Submit option, this will submit the form. It sends your investment declaration to the finance team. Once submitted, the values cannot be changed.
All the changes will be made instantly. You can also download the investment declaration for the selected financial year.
Refer to the following steps to upload proofs:
- Down scroll the page to come to the section of Upload Documents, enter the Title, Description, Amount
- Choose the option under which the investment is declared, choose the file to be uploaded as proof of the declared investments, click on Upload button.
The entry will be listed in a tabular form holding the status of Submitted, you can download and delete the entry by the help of icons given under Actions column.
1. 200000 is the standard deduction in housing loan repayment interest but the maximum limit is 250000 in some special cases.
2. Once an employee declares an investment, he/ she cannot edit/ update it.